The Zapper

When the Unthinkable Happens

The Zapper


Miriam F. Martin

WhenTheUnthinkableHappens_v1I used to be as big as a Subway footlong sandwich. Which sounds awesome when I say it like that, but I could never wear shorts because my cock would stick out the bottom.

Though that certainly made my webcam shows fun.

Awhile back, I wanted to spice up my cam show. Only so many times I can jerk off for strangers, before things get repetitive. Then I learned about a new sex toy called the Zapper.

It looks a bit like a Fleshlight, but you plug it into a wall outlet and it reacts to sounds. Whenever somebody from the cam chat room tips, the Zapper, well umm, zaps my cock with a shit-ton volts of electricity.

So one late night I set up my laptop and cam on the floor, plugged in the Zapper, and stripped. Pretty soon, I had a nice size crowd of women and men watching me lube up and slide my cock into the toy.

And then people started tipping.

One or two tokens at a time, at first. The zaps to my cock felt like bee stings. It randomly shocked the head, then the base, then somewhere along the shaft. Each time made me jump.

To my surprise, I got super hard. I started pumping my hips each time somebody zapped me.

The tips got bigger, and the shocks were even worse. I knew I should’ve stopped. A little voice in the back of my head told me this was a bad, bad idea.

But I was moaning and thrashing violently. My audience fucking loved it.

But then that dude came into my chatroom… DbagAhat. No clue what his real name is. He’s been following me for a long time, always makes ridiculous demands, and is fucking rude when I don’t respond to him. But he tips well.

DbagAhat asked me to stick the Zapper up my ass. (Umm… WTF??) I ignored him. He tipped more, and higher values. Five credits, then ten, fifteen. One hundred. Each time he gave me a harder shock. I didn’t think my body could handle more. I reached for the mouse, ready to ban his stupid ass once and for all.

And then the unthinkable happened.

Dbag dropped a 1,000 credit tip.

Three times in a row.

As I convulsed, I wondered why the hell I didn’t just pull my cock out of the Zapper. Did my midget dominatrix train me so well that I can’t not resist pain? Was I really enjoying what Dbag did to me? Hard to say.

I blacked out. When I woke up, I smelled burnt hair. The good news is, I don’t have to shave anymore.

The bad news, my glorious footlong cock shriveled down to a blackened stick. My pinky finger has more girth than my member. And my balls are like tiny raisins that got sun-dried for too long. Mr. Piggy, my pet guinea pig, now has a bigger set than me.

At least now I can wear shorts, no thanks to the Zapper.


Thank you for reading. If you enjoyed the story, please consider leaving me a tip. Or, a bundled ebook version will be available for sale soon at your favorite retailer. Your support helps me write more stories!

Issue Three and Updates

sirensgarterissue3_coverv3Siren’s Garter: Issue Three has been out for awhile, just never got around to updating the website. Took me a few weeks to adjust to 2017, but now I don’t want to look back at 2016. Onward! More sexy stories to come! (Pun intended!)

And the novella, The Billionaire Cougar’s Day Off is available in ebook as well. You find Issue Three at your favorite retailer. Or find the novella online as well. In the not too distant future, you can find both in trade paperback editions as well.

Issue Four isn’t far off from the printing press as well, along with the new novella Pins and Racks. Yup, it’s about bowlers, who get kinky, in case the cover art and title doesn’t give that away.

sirensgarterissue4cover_v2I’m excited for the upcoming issue, since it feels like I’ve broken through some barriers as a writer and a publisher. I’m getting better at this business with each story, and a little closer to my dream of making a living at this. I’ll be starting up Issue Five in the next few weeks. No clue what stories I’ll have in that one, which is exciting and scary as hell at the same time. I have a lot of work ahead, getting this website in shape, learning how to be a better storyteller, and writing more content.

For 2017, my goal is to publish six more issues of Siren’s Garter.

Here’s to another of year of fun and sexy good times!

Issue Two Now Available

SG_Issue2v3Siren’s Garter: Issue Two is now available at your favorite book seller.And even more content is on the way! Issue Three will become available by the end of September or early October. And the two stand-alone novella titles are already published… Never Marry the Femme Fatale and The Other Kind of Big Sleep, featured in Issues One and Two respectively.

Issue Three contain the complete novella The Billionaire Cougar’s Day Off and a number of… ahem… interesting short stories.

Happy reading!

Issue One available for free (limited time)

I am very proud to announce Siren’s Garter: Issue One August 2016 is now free on Smashwords for a limited time. Once Issue One goes to the other distributors in about a week, it will return to the normal retail price. So grab a copy now!

You get a free copy here. Thank you for supporting Siren’s Garter!

Publisher’s Desk: Free Content

I plan on doing a Publisher’s Desk post every so often, maybe once a month, to give updates and show how I’m working behind the scenes to get Siren’s Garter up and running. Lot of work ahead of me. The website is getting there, slowly and step by step. I’ve got some cover art done, but still have some branding issues to decide on. Mostly I’m focused on creating content, both for the print/electronic periodical and for the website.

So here’s a sneak peak at the free content I have planned for the website.

Monday Quickies will be featured stories of 300 to 1,000 word length (1-5 pages), appearing every Monday on the blog. The same stories will also appear in the periodical, in a section called “Quickie Confessions.” They will be in the style of Penthouse Forum letters, short first-person accounts of intimate encounters. (Entirely fiction, of course.) Look for these to begin in April.

Hump Day Stories will be featured on Wednesday. These are short stories, 3,000 to 6,000 words long (12-25 pages, give or take), reprinted from the back issues of Siren’s Garter. The story of the week will remain free to read until the next Hump Day, when it will be replaced by the next story. I won’t begin this until I have a large stock of stories to draw from, perhaps after Issue Three or Four hits the market, so look for this in 2017.

Also further down the road, I plan to have an email newsletter. This will be strictly for announcing new titles, and will only be sent out once every month or so, if that.

Like I said, the focus now is just producing content. I’ll be around fixing up and making the website pretty, but I won’t have much to show you for a few months. I think in the next Publisher’s Desk, I’ll discuss cover art and the branding direction I’m taking with Siren’s Garter.

Until then, stay sexy!

Website under construction!

Siren’s Garter will be a bi-monthly erotica periodical published by Hermit Muse Publishing, with the first issue slated for sometime in 2016. Each issue will be packed with sizzling hot stories, including a full novella and short stories. The content will focus on M/F relationships and kinky encounters, with the occasional M/F/F and M/F/M story.

SG will be published in trade paperback and electronic formats.

More information to come! (Pun intended.)

Header image credit: dpaint/BigStockPhoto